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Toastie Coin

Toastie Coin is a meme token trading on the Solana network, backed by a locked liquidity pool for increased investor confidence.

Toastie Coin is more than just a cryptocurrency; it's a celebration of all things toast, a testament to community spirit, and shared fun and laughter

Toastie loves a good laugh!

Toastie’s in love!

Toastie can’t believe it!

Toastie’s very humble.

Toastie ain’t happy …

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Contract / Token Address ($TSTI)


Buy Toastie / TSTI


*Buying instructions are detailed below

How to buy Toastie Coins (TSTI)*

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

  • Go to a reputable cryptocurrency purchase site, such as Jupiter: https://jup.ag/

  • Connect your Phantom wallet to Jupiter

Step 4

Note – The instructions shown above are just an example of one way to buy Toastie / TSTI. For further assistance, please contact:

On Toast

  • International Toast Day: Observed annually on the last Thursday of February, International Toast Day celebrates the versatility and comfort provided by a slice of toasted bread, a beloved culinary staple around the world. The next International Toast Day occurs on February 27th 2025.

  • Evolution of Toasters: The first electric bread toaster was invented by Alan MacMasters in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1893. This invention paved the way for the first commercially successful toaster in 1909. The first automatic, or 'pop-up', toaster for the home was the Toastmaster, developed in 1926. It featured a knob to determine the degree of darkness, marking the beginning of the age of automatic toasters.

  • Sunbeam T-20B: Widely acknowledged for its exceptional reliability, durability, and robust construction, the Sunbeam Radiant Control Toaster featured high-quality materials, and an innovative design that ensured consistent and perfect toast with each use. This style of Sunbeam toaster sold from 1949 all the way through until the early 90’s, using various model numbers, including the T-20B.

  • Discovery of the “Toast Centre” in the Brain: While operating on epilepsy patients, Canadian neurosurgeon Dr. Wilder Penfield discovered an area of the human brain he termed the “toast centre”, which when stimulated gave the person the sensation of smelling burning toast.

  • Everyone Likes Toast: “It would be nice to be a piece of toast. Everyone likes a piece of toast, don't they? No one is ever sad when you offer them a piece of toast, and if I could be that to someone, that would be nice.” Jon Richardson - English Comedian